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Posted by Admin on August 3, 2022
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Coccydynia, also known as tailbone pain, is a common disorder affecting the human coccyx.It is characterized by pain and discomfort in the region surrounding the coccyx. Causes can include trauma, repetitive strain, childbirth, or an underlying condition such as an infection or tumor.

Coccygeal fractures are breaks

“Coccygeal fractures are breaks or fractures in the coccyx bone. They can result from falls, direct trauma, or childbirth. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty sitting or standing for prolonged periods. Treatment options range from conservative measures like pain management and physical therapy to surgical intervention in severe cases.”

Pilonidal cysts are another condition associated with the coccyx.

  1. These cysts form in the cleft of the buttocks near the coccyx and can become infected, causing pain, swelling, and drainage of pus.
  2. Treatment typically involves draining the cyst and sometimes surgical removal if it recurs.

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  • Coccygeal dislocation occurs when the coccyx is displaced or dislocated from its normal position.
  • This can happen due to trauma, such as a fall or a direct blow to the tailbone.
  • Symptoms include severe pain, swelling, and difficulty sitting or moving.

Treatment may involve realigning the coccyx through manual manipulation or, in some cases, surgical intervention.

Tarlov cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form...

Posted by Admin on August 3, 2022
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Tarlov cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form on the nerve roots near the coccyx. While they are usually benign and asymptomatic, they can occasionally cause pain, numbness, or bowel and bladder dysfunction if they grow larger or press on nearby nerves. Treatment options vary and may include observation, pain management, or surgical intervention.

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Coccygeal spurs or bony outgrowths can develop on the coccyx

Posted by Admin on August 2, 2022
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Coccygeal spurs or bony outgrowths can develop on the coccyx, causing pain and discomfort. These spurs can result from degenerative changes in the coccyx or as a response to chronic inflammation or trauma. Treatment may involve pain management techniques, physical therapy, or, in rare cases, surgical removal of the spurs.

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Inflammatory conditions, such as coccygeal bursitis or sacroiliitis

Posted by Admin on August 1, 2022
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Inflammatory conditions, such as coccygeal bursitis or sacroiliitis, can affect the coccyx. Coccygeal bursitis is the inflammation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac that cushions the coccyx, leading to pain and tenderness. Sacroiliitis refers to inflammation of the sacroiliac joints, which can radiate pain to the coccyx region. Treatment may include anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, or injections.

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